Friday, November 26, 2010

It's All In My Head!

Trying to control my fantasies about sex is like trying to walk across a 14-inch steal I-beam a thousand feet in the air. Knowing that the sense of vertigo that causes you to fall is all in your head doesn't help. Telling yourself over and over that, “you can do this!” doesn't help either, at least not for long. A safety harness might help a little, if only the people manning the ropes weren't so eager to just let you fall (i.e. parole/probation officials) so they don't have to help hold you up anymore. But even with a safety harness the apprehension and dizziness don't just go away.
There is a solution though, and one that could help a lot of people: simply stop building sky scrapers! In practical terms, stop making sex such a lofty thing by placing intellectual structures beneath it that simply don't belong there (such as “love” and “commitment” and “taboos”). Let sex be what it is in nature, an animal drive without baggage. Then maybe people like me wouldn't be dropping out of the sky so much.

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