Tuesday, February 20, 2018

I Am Me After All: But It's Still Not Personal

"We" recently announced that Joseph Duncan (me) would use first person plural pronouns as a way of emphasizing the fact that this blog is not about him (me). But, upon further reflection, I (Joseph Duncan) have come to realize that doing so severely detracts from another perhaps even more important aspect that this blog must also portray. And that is the fact that it expresses the thoughts, feelings, and experiences (memories) of someone (me) who society in general has labeled a "monster" and condemned to death for doing exactly what any human being would do and in fact does do all the time (hint: express their feelings the only way they know how).

So, I will go back to using the first-person singular form in said interest. But, this blog is still not about me! It is about all of us as human beings, and about how we interact and function together in such a way that no one can be said to be "innocent" of anything anyone else does (i.e. it makes no sense to blame each other for what we all do!). Only by embracing the "monster" within ourselves (or, more specifically, our ignorance and fears) instead of projecting our feelings onto someone else (like me) will we be able to end the madness that lead me and so many others to do the terrible things we do to each other.

This blog is my attempt to illustrate and communicate the madness that lead to my particular "crimes", by expressing my own most intimate (often "insane") thoughts, feelings, and memories. But, this is not a ploy for sympathy or recognition of any kind (I have never done interviews for the professional media outlets in order to avoid publicity and the inevitable slanting of "packaged" information that sickens so many minds!). I am merely making the information available, in the hopes that someday someone might actually realize that the "answer" is right "here", inside of us all, by perhaps recognizing themselves within these (blog) pages, as a few already have and do, but there needs to be many more before the "tipping point" is reached, and the world in general "wakes up" and becomes truly "conscious" for the first time! Of course I don't pretend or think this blog will bring about that "tipping point", but I do hope to help if even in the smallest way, because our very existence as human beings depends on it!

So, from now on I will be me and represent myself within these pages as I always have before. I will go back to saying "me" and not "we", even though this blog is about "us", and not "I"; for as I AM, so are YOU!

[J.D. Feb. 12, 2018] 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Nassar Farce

On the popular media T.V. show 20/20 they spent an entire hour supposedly informing Americans about the «monster» who molested hundreds if not thousands of young girls and women in his professional occupation as a gymnastics doctor. I choked down as much of this «popular» emotional crap as I could just to see if they make any mention at all of the pleasure and orgasms that these girls must have experienced during their «abuse»... unless they themselves are not human and don't respond naturally to being «touched» sexually.

Guess what? They not only failed to make any mention of such facts, but they spent nearly the entire hour emphasizing and repeating how much «pain and suffering» the doctor caused. And yet every bit of that pain comes from the socially programmed attitudes toward what he did, not what he actually did!

He never physically injured anyone. He never toyed with anyone's emotions. All he did was to pleasure himself by pleasuring the girls. And if they simply admitted to the pleasure (instead of referring to it as «shame», as they are taught to), then they'd still appreciate what he did, as they say they did before they «found out» (were taught) they had been «abused». And then instead of millions being spent in the process of legally and socially condemning Dr. Larry Nassar, the money and public scrutiny could have been directed toward helping the tens of thousands of children who die every day in this world from truly horrible conditions that are so stupidly simple to fix and prevent, and yet ignored in favor of «sex scandals».

But it seems America loves its «shameful» sex-stories, and the System loves using its «authority» (money and power) to indulge such ignorant and self-righteous gratifications, as it long has. In the past, people would be just as morally «offended» by witches, or heathens, or hippies, or homosexuals. And, in every case, the «victims» and «survivors» were lined up to tearfully testify about how «evil» and «monstrous» the culprit is, who took away their «dignity» or «childhood», or some other impossible-to-define intangible loss.

And if you think, «Of course a monster will rationalize away another monster's behavior», then you're the one being monstrous. By failing to see and acknowledge the simple truths that could set this world free, and end the suffering, you supporting deception that enslaves us, and causes – not only your own pain and misery (even as you blame others) – but allows the suffering to continue for millions more, including the needless «suffering» of all of Nassar's deluded «victims».

If per some off-chance you are one of those people who have been convinced that you are a «victim of sexual abuse» because someone «touched you inappropriately», and you think this post must be B.S. because you «know» your pain is real in the most palpable sense, then stop for a moment and consider this: Yes, your emotional pain is real, but it is based on a lie. The lie has been illustrated many times here in the Fifth Nail blog, and more importantly throughout history by many writers and teachers far more adept for the job of illustrating such deception (it's basically a classic «Emperor's Robes» deception). But, just because your emotions are based on a lie does not make them «fake» or «not real». They are real, and it's really sad that you have been deceived to feel the way you do. And it's never easy to stop feeling the kind of pain you must feel, even after you accept that you have been deceived into feeling them. But it is infinitely harder still to accept the truth, especially after you have «invested» so much of your life in feeling the way you do; like a «victim» (or «survivor», if you prefer). And yet, that's exactly what you must do if you want to stop being a part of the problem, and help to stop others from going through the hellish nightmare of suffering you have been through. You must stop being a «victim» (and/or a «survivor»), and you must become honest instead. It is the only way to stop, not only your own suffering, but the unnecessary pain and suffering of the world! You must learn that we are all «perpetrators» of the madness; there are no «victims» or «monsters», except those that we imagine, and create those that we imagine, and create within ourselves.

Of course we are talking about forgiveness here. Not Christian forgiveness, where you «forgive» someone after judging them in the «wrong». That is just an excuse to judge someone, and is the opposite of real forgiveness. True forgiveness is simply letting go of your judgment, and letting go of the lies that are the bases of all the unnecessary pain and suffering. True forgiveness is the absence of judgment. It sees only human beings and not «victims» and «monsters» (or «right» and«wrong», or «good» and «bad»). True forgiveness is not an unsubstantial gift you give (that makes you «right» and someone else «wrong»). True forgiveness is a cure. It is a cure for our madness – the insanity of judgment that inflicts our world. And it is the only cure.

The only cure for crime is love.
Everything else is just more crime.
- Joseph Duncan*

* These words were found written in large letters on the dining room mirror of Duncan's apartment after he absconded from Fargo in 2005 – just weeks before he murdered the Groene family and kidnapped the children. His landlords photographed the mirror and later handed the photos over to the F.B.I., who used the photo as «evidence» in court to illustrate «premeditation».

Will The Real Perverts Please Stand Up!

We realize (sadly) that most people these days are so blinded by social, state, and religious propaganda that they could never see, much less admit, the obvious truths that blogs like this one have to offer, even though these same truths offer liberation from the very «sickness» that the social, state, and religious «authorities» perpetually rail against, even as they systematically propagate the same.

The «System» (social, state, and religious authority) seeks to maintain control over people's minds by using deception and lies to conceal the truths that would otherwise set them free. It promises «freedom», «peace», and «eternal salvation», and yet propagates control, conflict, and perpetual suffering as a means of sustaining its own authority and fill its coffers.

Here we offer you one clear example, and if you are brave enough to consider this truth, and investigate for yourself its validity (don't take our word for it), then perhaps the glimpse of the hidden and glorious reality that the System seeks to indefinitely suppress (because it threatens its «authority» directly) will encourage you to find out what other truths are being hidden from you.

Most so-called «victims» of consensual adult-child sex are at some point forced to admit that they liked it. This truth creates an unresolvable conflict within them. But, the conflict only arises because of an unsubstantiated lie that they have invariably been coerced into accepting as «basic truth» even though it is not true at all. This falsehood can be easily discerned as a lie by a simple and honest look at history, facts, and other available evidence. Albeit these facts and evidence are systematically suppressed, contradicted, and distorted by those with a vested interest against them, but they are still out there, still available to those who seek the truth, and still indisputable in the final analysis.

The lie that the System wants us to believe is that consensual adult-child sex is «unnatural», «unhealthy», and «harmful» to the child. So-called «victims» are literally brainwashed into believing that they have been harmed. They are told what they should feel, think, and even remember about the «bad thing» that happened to them. If you have ever seen a video of the classic «first interview» of a «child victim of sexual abuse», then you've seen this happening.

The «specially trained expert» will usually begin with statements like, «I know what you have been through was very terrible...» and «I know this is extremely hard for you to talk about...» etc. etc.. These statements are supposedly to make the child feel «safe» and «understood». But, what if the child has not been harmed? What if the child did not even realize anything «bad» even happened?

These «first interviews» are effectively just a first indoctrination that teaches the child what she must learn in order to maintain the sympathy and acceptance of the adults around her: it teaches her that she is/was a «victim». And it teaches her how she is expected to feel (as a victim), and think (likewise). Of course the interviewer is «specially trained» to not «plant memories» about what actually happened. But, by making statements like, «I know being touched like that made you feel really bad...» after she admits she was «touched», only teaches the child what she should remember feeling when it happened.

You'll note that in these interviews the «expert» will never ask, «Did it feel good?» or «Did you like it when he touched you like that?» That would go against everything he was «specially trained» to do. Namely it would go against the lie that he is there to instill and propagate. Of course, to the «trained» interviewer, it is not a «lie» at all, it is a fundamental truth. He believes he is dealing with a «traumatized victim of child sexual abuse», and that's what he is tasked with establishing through the interview... it is quite literally what he is «trained» and paid to do!

And so the child, regardless of the truth of her experience, must either learn that she was harmed, and that what happened to her was «bad»; or she will literally be declared «dysfunctional» (and of course this will be «blamed» on the «abuse» as well). If she is old enough (or mature enough) to realize that nothing «bad» really happened to her, and brave enough (or bold enough) to insist on what she knows to be true (to point out the emperor's nakedness), then she will be declared «delusional», or a victim of the offender's lies and manipulation.

And thus the lies are instilled, primarily because they directly promote the System's authority (to supposedly «protect children from harm»). But in order to do this the System has a clear and heavily vested interest in establishing the «harm» that it supposedly protects children from.

So, what is the truth? According to the facts of history and genuine scientific study (not the pseudo-science of «criminal justice» and the like, which only invents and selectively uses data in order to further propagate its lies. Children are in fact just as «sexual» as any adult. They exhibit clear sexual interest and arousal almost as soon as they are born.

According to Michel Foucault (a highly respected contemporary philosopher), a huge amount of effort has been exerted by those in «power» over the last two-hundred years or so to directly suppress and deny juvenile sexuality, and the primary result has been the «sexualization» of children (the opposite effect of what was purportedly intended). Essentially, what Foucault is saying is that it was the System that turned children into sexual objects, not the so-called «perverts» that «prey on children». And it did so as a means of asserting and strengthening its own «authority» (power and control).

In his book, The History of Sexuality - Volume One: An Introduction, Foucault explains how the concept of «sexual perversion» was invented and then used by the System to invoke fear and disgust in order to promote its authority. You should read this book if you are interested in truth at all (and the real history of so-called «sexuality»). But, it is not the only book you should read. There are many others that will tell you what the popular media never will; books like, We Were Not Abused! (by: David Riegel), and, Harmful To Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex (by: Judith Levine), just for starters. Foucault says the real «perversion» has been the way we have been taught to think of normal sexual behavior as «perverted» in contemporary society. The real «perverts are the ones shouting «pervert!» and the real «perversion» is only believing what we are told to believe.