Tuesday, February 20, 2018

I Am Me After All: But It's Still Not Personal

"We" recently announced that Joseph Duncan (me) would use first person plural pronouns as a way of emphasizing the fact that this blog is not about him (me). But, upon further reflection, I (Joseph Duncan) have come to realize that doing so severely detracts from another perhaps even more important aspect that this blog must also portray. And that is the fact that it expresses the thoughts, feelings, and experiences (memories) of someone (me) who society in general has labeled a "monster" and condemned to death for doing exactly what any human being would do and in fact does do all the time (hint: express their feelings the only way they know how).

So, I will go back to using the first-person singular form in said interest. But, this blog is still not about me! It is about all of us as human beings, and about how we interact and function together in such a way that no one can be said to be "innocent" of anything anyone else does (i.e. it makes no sense to blame each other for what we all do!). Only by embracing the "monster" within ourselves (or, more specifically, our ignorance and fears) instead of projecting our feelings onto someone else (like me) will we be able to end the madness that lead me and so many others to do the terrible things we do to each other.

This blog is my attempt to illustrate and communicate the madness that lead to my particular "crimes", by expressing my own most intimate (often "insane") thoughts, feelings, and memories. But, this is not a ploy for sympathy or recognition of any kind (I have never done interviews for the professional media outlets in order to avoid publicity and the inevitable slanting of "packaged" information that sickens so many minds!). I am merely making the information available, in the hopes that someday someone might actually realize that the "answer" is right "here", inside of us all, by perhaps recognizing themselves within these (blog) pages, as a few already have and do, but there needs to be many more before the "tipping point" is reached, and the world in general "wakes up" and becomes truly "conscious" for the first time! Of course I don't pretend or think this blog will bring about that "tipping point", but I do hope to help if even in the smallest way, because our very existence as human beings depends on it!

So, from now on I will be me and represent myself within these pages as I always have before. I will go back to saying "me" and not "we", even though this blog is about "us", and not "I"; for as I AM, so are YOU!

[J.D. Feb. 12, 2018] 

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