Monday, September 24, 2018

The Awakening of God

I occasionally refer to God in this blog in order to make some point or other about the true nature of our existence. But the term "God" is often taken to mean some supernatural being above and beyond (i.e. separate from) nature (i.e. "creation"), and that's not what I mean at all!

To me, God is nothing more, or less, than creation itself (i.e. "nature"). The key difference between my understanding of God and most people's belief is that to me the idea that God is somehow separate from nature is ludicrous. God is infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. That means God must be more than just "in" nature. God must BE nature, both the unknown and all the known aspects, including you and me.

That last phrase, "including you and me," is the key to understand what I mean when I say - as I sometimes do - that, "I am God." It does not mean that I believe I have some sort of supernatural power over you, or anyone or anything else. It simply means that I am you, you are me, and we are God.

This is only difficult to understand when you try to think of it in terms of limited being. But God is an infinite being. God is everywhere in space and time at once. So it is natural for God to be everywhere and hence everyone at once. And that is all I am saying when I say, "I am God." It is not an assertion of power or authority. It is instead more of an admission of my powerlessness as an individual over my own fate. It is an acknowledgement of God's Infinite Being, Wisdom, and Power, not my own.

But, it is important to realize that I am saying God is completely natural. God is the sole source, and the sole witness of all creation. This is a self-evident truth that has been written about and unfortunately misunderstood for many thousands of years. And yet, it is also the sole source of our ultimate liberation, which is freedom from death and yes, rebirth. But, it is not our liberation as individuals that I speak of. It is the very liberation of "God" alone. It is not the end of Creation of which I speak, but the awakening of God!

[J.D. September 9, 2018]

P.S. No one can tell you what this "Awakening of God" will look like, but I believe personally that the next "stage" will be an awakening of the planet Earth. Just as we have awakened as individual animals, so soon the entire planet will awaken, becoming conscious of itself as a living being, and perhaps reaching out and/or recognizing other living planets for the first time in the history of our planet. Forget about spaceships and aliens... such things are merely the best we can yet imagine. After our planet awakens, we will experience a kind of euphoric sense of oneness, or wholeness, and "miracles" will be commonplace. Except they won't be miracles at all, they will simply be the natural consequence of our collective unconscious becoming a collective consciousness.

Monster Myths

Psychopaths are evil monsters that are incapable of emotionally connecting with others the way humans were meant to. Or, at least that's the myth. It is a myth supported by pseudo-scientific "facts" in exactly the same way such "facts" have been twisted and used throughout history to support other insane myths such as, "Jews are a scourge upon the Earth," and "blacks are biologically made to be subservient", and "The seas are filled with giant monsters that live at the fringes of our world and devour all who dare explore beyond the confines of the known realms."

That last one, about giant sea-monsters and such, sounds a bit fantastic to us today, but there was a time when such monsters were considered all too real, and the only thing that protected society from them was our common systems of beliefs (i.e. "the Church and State"). And just like the belief in witches and demons and all other sorts of "evil monsters", these myths were supported by "irrefutable evidence" and sheer "common sense" of that day and age.

Well, this is a new day and age, where information itself has become the most valuable commodity; and yet we still believe that "evil monsters" roam the fringes of our world and devour all who dare venture beyond the protections of the state, and often even the innocent ones as well.

How can this be? Well, it's really no mystery once you are willing to look honestly within yourself for answers and understanding, instead of relying entirely upon the System to tell you how you should think and what you should believe or not believe. If you think psychopaths are real, and are not ready and willing to consider the alternative, then go ahead, take the safe wide and well trod road that our modern church and state has provided for you. Stop reading now, as this blog is not an intellectually safe place to be for any mind. This blog is the turbulent sea at the edge of the known world, where "monsters" reveal themselves to be just as human as you, and have something they'd like to say, and moreover, something they'd like you to see for yourself, if you are brave enough to look and not let others tell you what you should see.

[J.D. August 2018]