Friday, October 22, 2010

Unleashing Intuition

Modern science induces us to mistake reason for understanding. Reasoning is a mechanical process that allows us to manipulate and share understanding. But, it is useless without the understanding for it to manipulate. Even a computer can manipulate understanding. But, a computer cannot itself understand anything.
We reason with our thoughts. But our thoughts are not what allow us to understand. In fact, the process of thinking does more to inhibit understanding than to facilitate it. Thinking is a regulator, not a conductor. It restricts our understanding in order that we can do work with it. But thinking alone does not allow us to understand anything.
Monks experience their most profound understanding by turning off their thoughts (the computer-brain). Without the restriction of our thoughts to inhibit our understanding it becomes possible to experience “pure understanding”. That is, perhaps, to understand understanding itself. This is sometimes called enlightenment. But it is really no more than intuition unleashed!

“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” (John 1:5, NKJV)

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