Sunday, March 28, 2021

Joseph Edward "Jet" Duncan III (February 25, 1963 - March 28, 2021)

My soulmate, free at last!

(Jet while attending North Dakota State University)

Today, on the 28th March 2021, I received a call from one of your attorneys, informing me that you, my Lighthouse, Mr. Joseph Edward Duncan III (the fourth of five children born to Lillian Mae and Joseph Edward Duncan Jr. on the 25th of February 1963 in Fort Bragg, North Carolina) had been released from this ride that most people call «life», this morning.

Over the course of nearly 9 years, you and I have exchanged (1000+) letters, x number of 15 minute-monitored-and-recorded phone calls, etc.. and, you know, shared some personal experiences.

I last spoke to you on the phone earlier this month (on the 2nd) , and we agreed to speak again in a couple of days.. and then, someone affiliated with your case calls me instead - to tell me that you have now left ALL mortal prisons (or, «passed away», as they like to put it nowadays). I smiled. Of course, I still do. 

There is no such thing as death. There is only transition.

I love you and you love me.

Your Valkyrja

[via e-mail from Norway, March 28, 2021]

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