Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Gist of Christian Hypocrisy

Not all, but most Christian denominations teach (directly against what the Bible clearly says over and over) that we "sinners" have some form of free will, given us by God, though usually "limited" to some extent (these limitations are imposed purely for the purpose of resolving, superficially at best the numerous contradictions and enigmas that arise immediately when we claim to have any will at all, but as we will see in a moment, it is a thin veil indeed). They insist we have free will in order to explain their "worthiness" of salvation.

They will tell you that you must choose to believe that Jesus is your "personal Lord and savior", or you will be condemned for eternity in hell. Forget that this is not what their Bible teaches; at all! (I actually respect the Bible in the exact same sense that Mahatma Gandhi indicated he did when he was asked what he thought about Christianity and stated that he had no problem with Christianity, as taught in the Bible; it was the Christians he could do without). The contradiction comes when they turn right around and tell you that forgiveness is a free gift, offered to all men, women, and children, that must only be accepted in order to be invoked.

... IN ORDER TO BE INVOKED? Again, forget that this isn't what the Bible says either (i.e. forgiveness does not need to be invoked, it is granted to everyone whether they "accept it" or not). The problem is that if we have the ability to "invoke" God's forgiveness (e.g. by choosing what we believe), and even if that were the only free will choice we had at all (i.e. the most extreme limitation), then the so called "God" who gives us this choice has in fact established a condition on his "gift" of forgiveness by requiring that we believe in Him in order to receive it.

But isn't "believing in God" (specifically, "believing in Jesus", i.e. the so called Christian God) a high price? In order to hold this belief one must abandon and outright ignore all empirical experience, or any other evidence that contradicts what you are told to believe (by other people who are always eager to "interpret" the Bible for you, or even "speak to God" for you and tell you what He says). A high price indeed! In order to have this "forgiveness" and the "eternal salvation" that usually goes along with it, all you have to do is prove your "worthiness" by choosing to IGNORE the very Truth that Jesus Himself claimed to BE!

And THAT, is the very essence of the raw hypocrisy that must be embraced if you call yourself Christian (in particular a Christian that believes you have the ability to choose your fate in one way or another).

(Incidentally, the few Christian denominations that still adhere to the "no free will" - or, as they say, "One God, One Will" - position are the remnants of a great theological war that took place in the Middle Ages over whether or not men had free will at all. Unfortunately, the "deceiver" seems to have one that one).

(J.D. 3-28-2014)

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