Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Meaning And Power Of Unconditional Love

   Few people understand the real meaning of unconditional love, not even those Christians who so incessantly preach about it. And why do I so often rail against Christians? Precisely because they don't understand the things they claim to believe, and by not doing so they make themselves hypocrits of the worst sort; the kind that destroy life in the name of love, and deceive our innocents in the name of the truth. The history alone of Christianity should warn us away from any affilication with them, not to mention any honest evaluation of the contemporary Christian modus operandi (i.e. disputing any science that contradicts their beliefs to the point of outright absurdity, and defending their beliegs not with facts and reason, but with fantasies and myths, which they call faith, but isn't faith at all, not even according to their precious "Holy" Bible which repeatedly warns against such false indoctrinations based solely on human perception and limitted understanding). Christians have done, and continue to do, more harm to this world than any other group of organized believers. I would call them evil, but that would only be feeding their delusion of righteous persecution, another self-deception that completely ignores their status in the world as one of the most accepted and honored religioins of all time; which, by the way, is something their Bible warns them vehemently not to be a part of (i.e. the "wide road").

   I would challenge any Christian to practice what they preach, but they can't. Because to do so would mean loving even me unconditionally, which if they did then they would be forced to admit that they themselves are not special. Before they could truly love a child rapist they must first know what it means to be one. They must forsake the very concept of "personal salvation" (a term never used in their Bible, but only invented and promoted hundreds of years after Christ gave his life against it) and come to terms with the real "gospel" of Jesus; the gospel of oneness, and salvation through unity with God --- a unity forged in the blood of the son of man, and the son of God, who Jesus himself told us was in all of us, not just him.

   Any Christian who accepted the challenge of uncondtional love would soon realize that the very act of calling themelves Christian (i.e. ditinguishing themselves, and in partcularily their relationship with God, as "holier" than others) flies in the face of everything Christ Jesus gave his life for.

   Unconditional love means quite literally: to love another as you love yourself. That means completely erasing the boundary between us and others. It means seeing others as extensions of ourselves, and loving them accordingly. When a man traps a bomb to his chest and blows up other people he does not see as part of himself, Jesus tells us to love him and see in him our own ignorance!

   That is the power of unconditional love. It is the power that comes with seeing and embracing the living truth. It doesn't matter what you call the Truth, unlesswhat you CALL IT is more important to you than what it IS! Unconditional love gives us the power to move mountains in the same way that it gives termites the ability to build ten foot tall skyscrapers out of mud. No single insect can grasp the means necessary to accomplish such a feat. But when that insect submits its will to the colony (the one body) by seeing its neighbors a extensions of itself, then the skyscraper rises without any conscious effort. The termites don't need a system of beliefs, they don't need a centralized point of control that tells them what to do and when to do it. They just know what they need to do without knowing how they know. And they have faith in this knowledge that comes from somewhere other than their own understanding.

   I'm not saying anything here that the sages of the Christian Bible haven't already said many times. What I am saying does however go against everything Christians do. Christians love in a clearly limitted ense, and justify their judgemental and prejudicial love through misquotes and misinterpretations from their beloved Bible, an idolized tome if there ever was one. Christians don't understand the meaning of the power of having faith in unconditional love. If they did they would know that Jesus has already returned a long time ago, and is still waiting for his people to finally recognize him and stop spitting in his face and nailing him to the cross of their limitted and judgemental love.

[J.D. 12-16-13]

P.S. I use the term "Christians" above in a general sense only. Some people who call themselves "Christian" are not "Christians" in the sense that I rail against. In other words, not all Christians act or think in the way Christians in general do.

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