Sunday, May 20, 2012

There Are No Lesser Evils

If someone hates hate, then they only hate themselves. True love loves hate, but any hate that is loved becomes love, not hate. To understand this, it helps to think of hate as darkness, which is simple the absence of light, which of course is love. So hate is no more real than a shadow, and neither is “evil”. We can experience a shadow with almost all of our physical senses, but when you think about it, shadows don't even exist! So, to hate hate, is like seeing a shadow, and creating an even bigger shadow in order to get rid of it! Of course you can't destroy a shadow with more shadow. Only light can destroy a shadow, but of course the light doesn't really destroy anything. It only changes the darkness into illumination! And so love changes hate into understanding, and “evil” into “good”. But “good” doesn't really exist either. Good is no more than a “non-shadow”, so it is common for people to mistake a bigger shadow that encompasses many smaller shadows, as something “good”, or perhaps “a necessary evil”. There is no such thing of course. Necessary evils only seem necessary to people who's hearts do not yet shine enough light to illuminate the darker experiences of their life (like me, for one).

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