I just realized that to think in terms of our “relationship” to other people, or to the universe, or even to “God”, is a tremendous mistake.
A relationship implies a connection between two or more entities over some distance. The form of connection itself is not important. It can be either physical or simply metaphorical. The important aspect of a relationship is the distance between the entities being related to each other, not the form of connection.
The reason the distance is so important is because without it there is no need for a relationship! Without distance no “connection” of any sort is required. In fact, without distance, no “connection” is even possible. Because without distance there is only one entity, not two.
So, before we can have a relationship we must establish a distance and hense separation from the entity that we wish to have a relationship with. And that's the problem; distance and separation are scientifically – not to mention metaphysically – known to not exist!
Scientist call it “nonlocality”. It was first theorized in the 1960's by John Bell and later proven in numerous lab experiments based on Bell's theorem. And it's not what Bell's theorem proves that makes it so astounding; it's what it disproves! Bell's theorem, and the consequent rigorous scientific experiments, disproves the concept of “locality”, or “separation between physical objects”.
In other words, distance between objects is scientifically proven to be impossible. This is the “quantum enigma”, that baffled Einstein until he died (Bell's theorem was intended to directly address Einstein's assertion that quantum theory was “incomplete” because it could not account for the locality of objects in space, i.e. distance and separation).
So, there you have it. It is impossible for us to have a “relationship” with anything or anyone, because we are not separated!
This is obviously what “mystics” have been saying all along.
The Bible does not say that Jesus is our “connection” to God. It says over and over that He is God, and He is Us! He is “in us” and we are “in Him” at the same time; not separate at all!
The Buddha taught that it is impossible to become enlightened; we can only BE enlightened. Becoming something implies a distance (in time) that must be bridged (connected). But, “being” recognizes that no such distance exists.
So what are we waiting for? What's keeping us from believing what we already know to be true?
What are we afraid of?
You tell me!
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