Wednesday, July 21, 2010

There are no Authorities

Nothing that I write is ever meant to be authoritative. In fact I would warn anyone to beware of anything written (or stated otherwise) that claims to be the authority on any subject. I freely admit that what I write is nonsense. But it is my nonsense and it makes perfect sense to me. My goal in writing is not to instruct, but only to inform. I do not inform of the truth, only my view of the truth. What I write is not the truth, but it is honest (by „honest” I mean that it is the best representation of my views as I am capable of rendering. Or, put another way, it does not attempt to convince the reader of anything I believe to not be true.) Authority claims to be able to tell you the truth. By this definition it is not possible for authority to be honest. Therefore, all authority is „evil” (deception based). (Except perhaps the One True Authority, whose name can not be represented in any form, and it can never tell us the Truth, but it can share it with us!)

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