Friday, May 14, 2010

„The killer in me is the killer in you.”

When i wrote a few weeks ago that i would gladly welcome California officials „to the club” i meant the club of humanity, not necessarily the club of murderers. We, as humans in a fallen (deception based) world, are all already in the murderers and hypocrites club. But not everyone has been „exposed” yet, at least not publically.
Perhaps once we have all been exposed we will finally begin the transition to a „saved” (truth based) world.
All I'm saying is that we will never stop murdering each other until we first admit we are all murderers. The Bible calls it repenting. The band Smashing Pumpkins released a song about it called „Disarm”.
As long as we continue to pretend that some of us are murderers (i. e. „evil”) and some of us are not murderers (i. e. „good”) then we are ignoring the true cause of murder (i. e. fear and ignorance sustained by condemnation and denial). The „cause” of murder is not something that science will some day understand, nor is it something that cannot be understood, and nor is it something we are powerless to do anything about. We can understand, but not by judging it. We must embrace it in ourselves, stop denying the truth of who and what we are. Only then will we understand people who kill, and ourselves.

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