Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy feet

I saw the movie „Happy feet” today (a computer animation about a penguin misfit who saves his flock by impressing the human/aliens with his deviant dancing).
Excellent animation, writing and story. I especially was impressed with the symbolism of the little girl tapping on the glass at the zoo using the same beat that the baby penguin used on the egg at the beginning of the movie. Clearly, we are the penguins, but will we learn to dance before our world is depleted (of love)? And who are the aliens to us? (hint: not e.t.)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I just saw the movie „Bridge to Terabithia” for the first time. Excellent writing, but despite the fantasy motif it was not very imaginative. It did make me cry though.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I feel like everything that i write is meaningless gibberish. There is something that i want people to know, but words simply cannot even begin to express it. It was this „thing” (that i sometimes refer to as the Living Truth) that caused me to throw down the rock that i was about to use to kill that little girl on the mountain in Montana back in July of 2005.
I actually realized that i would never be able to express my experience with the Living Truth using words a long time ago. That was why i kept telling my attorneys that it would be better if i said nothing.
People just don't want to know the Truth, because they instinctively and unconsciously know that it will destroy their illusion of life. And it most certainly will! But, what they don't realize is that there is an eternal source of their illusion, and the source will never be destroyed.
People think that the end of their illusions will be the end of their lives. They think that death is the end of life. But, death is only a step on the eternal path of life. It is the „way” that Jesus spoke of being. Being is living through the „Way”. It is seeing that death is not the end; not just believing in eternal life the way you might believe in the Eastern Bunny, but instead realizing at the core of your being that you will never die. It was this realization that made me throw down the rock, and refuse to bring more suffering into the world and hense into the realm of eternal life. I surrendered my mortal life so that all eternal life might be known.

Friday, May 14, 2010

„The killer in me is the killer in you.”

When i wrote a few weeks ago that i would gladly welcome California officials „to the club” i meant the club of humanity, not necessarily the club of murderers. We, as humans in a fallen (deception based) world, are all already in the murderers and hypocrites club. But not everyone has been „exposed” yet, at least not publically.
Perhaps once we have all been exposed we will finally begin the transition to a „saved” (truth based) world.
All I'm saying is that we will never stop murdering each other until we first admit we are all murderers. The Bible calls it repenting. The band Smashing Pumpkins released a song about it called „Disarm”.
As long as we continue to pretend that some of us are murderers (i. e. „evil”) and some of us are not murderers (i. e. „good”) then we are ignoring the true cause of murder (i. e. fear and ignorance sustained by condemnation and denial). The „cause” of murder is not something that science will some day understand, nor is it something that cannot be understood, and nor is it something we are powerless to do anything about. We can understand, but not by judging it. We must embrace it in ourselves, stop denying the truth of who and what we are. Only then will we understand people who kill, and ourselves.

The Pope is a Dope

If I ever doubted whether or not the Pope was a fake advisary of Truth (which I have never doubted) then I would doubt no more after reading today's paper.
The Pope says that „forgiveness” does not replace „justice”. If he understood forgiveness the way the Bible teaches us to forgive then he would know that forgiveness is justice!
I wouldn't expect a common man, not even a so-called christian, to understand this basic premise of Christ's Gospel, but you'd think the Pope would understand. Even as the fake he is, he should at least understand the meaning and power of forgiveness.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

„I have seen the enemy...”

I realize as I write these words that no matter what I say, people (not everyone) will consider my words „evil”, „self serving”, „cold”, and „manipulative”. It actually amazes me how some people (so many people) can be so close mindedly opinionated, seeing only what they want to see in order to satisfy their own depraved psychological/emotional needs. But at the same time I am forced to be understanding by virtue of the fact that I myself realize that the only way I am able to recognise these traits in other people is because they exist so clandestinely in me. I could pride myself in knowing that I at least realize my faults, except in doing so i also realize that pride itself is one of my worst faults. So I'll just step away from the temptation and try my best to love even those who profess to hate me, because above all else I realize that if I cannot love my „enemy” then I cannot truly love anyone, especially not myself.