Sunday, October 13, 2013

Real Freedom For Everyone, Even Me

Freedom from judgement is freedom from human law, freedom from hypocrisy, and freedom from suffering. it is also freedom from hate, and freedom from hell. Real freedom is the very salvation that Jesus promised, and the nirvana of Eastern enlightenment at the same time.

The teachings of Jesus were never meant to enslave us all over again with a bunch of new laws and ceremonies. The man from Nazareth told us as plainly as he could that he came with the news of a new law that freed us from human law, and human judgement, and human hypocrisy, and from hate and hell.

This new law was extremely simple to obey; in fact it is impossible to disobey once it was understood. It is a law that is directly "written" in every heart and every mind - though those who put their faith in human laws, and human beliefs, and human judgement (i.e. their own, or anyone else's), would be blinded to it.

Jesus sometimes called the law "charity", or as it is more commonly translated, "love" (though technically the word love, as defined and used in modern language, did not exist in any language until the spawning of the so called "romantic languages" long after Christianity was born). He also told us that the law was essentially ineffable (could not be properly expressed with mere human words), but could be expressed by what we do, and by what HE did. This is why what he did, i.e. "die for our sins", was so important. It was not some devinely magical event (a.k.a. "miracle") that set us free. It was a simple law of nature, hidden to us by our own vain faith in human intellect and human judgement, that spawns so many human laws that only serve to enslave us to a life of eternally repititious and self inflicted pain and suffering.

Freedom from hell is freedom from judgement, and from human law. I took my first step toward that freedom when I surrendered to the authorities of this world. I did not surrender so I could be judged - I surrendered because I knew beyond any more doubt that I would never be judged by men again. I became more free than I had ever been. And, I become freer and freer the longer I sit in this prison cell and meditate on the true meaning of freedom.

No matter how I am judged by men; no matter what punishment is imposed upon me (either life in prison or death); I will always be more free than the people who impose their judgement - this I sincerely believe; and proves my faith valid again and again. Real freedom is for everyone and anyone, perhaps even especially for me!

(J.D. 9-7-13)

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