Sunday, August 11, 2013

Zimmerman's Justice

People who protest the Zimmerman trial verdict seem to forget that our justice system was never designed to protect citizens from the injustice of other citizens (i.e. crime). It was primarily intended to protect citizens from the injustices of the state.

If a man goes free due to a lack of evidence against him, that does not in any way mean that justice has not been served. In fact, it only epitomizes what American Justice is supposed to be about, and what it should be about; protecting the citizens from the government, not necessarily from each other!

If we rely on the government for protection from each other, the we give it the power and control over our lives that the American Revolutionary War was fought to take back. They called it Freedom in 1776, but the protests we see today, are a clear sign that we have completely forgotten what Freedom means. In fact, the protesters are in essence demanding that the government take over their lives, their responsibility, and their freedom, all in the new name of their so-called justice.

(J.D. 6-15-13)

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