Sunday, May 12, 2013

A No Brainer

I'm not sure if I had said this before or not, but it is a fundamental and important truth with regard to the achievement of ultimate understanding; so I will state it here as plainly as I can, and hope it will perhaps provide a passage for someone to find their way around the class of deception it has the power to dispel.

The ultimate truth - regardless of what it is understood to be - must be attainable (i.e. capable of being experienced, or understood) in the complete absence of intellectual capacity.

In fact, the only function intellect has in regard to the Truth is that it provides a false means of communication of the truth. This is why it is often said that the Truth can never be told, and that words can do little more than obscure it (unless those words aim to defeat words themselves, as these words, hopefully, do).

Again the ultimate Truth does not demand higher intellect to be experienced or appreciated. It just takes honesty, and perhaps a little faith (not in some fantasy or idea of the truth, but in Truth itself as an "unknowable", i.e. non-intellectual, experience). But, whatever it takes, it can't be had by any effort - only by grace.

(PS: Someone might ask, "If this is true, then what should I do?" The answer is, no matter what you are doing, you are already doing exactly what you need to do in order to ultimately experience higher truth. That's what "having faith" in the Truth (a.k.a. "God") really means - and it is what allows us to truly love (hence, understand) our neighbour, no matter how much they seem to harm us.)

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