Friday, December 2, 2011

The Mind Hunter Farse

I started to read “The Mind Hunter” (a book about an FBI profiler who claims to be able to understand the mental processes of serial killers) and couldn't get past the first few chapters before I decided there was no point reading any more since it was more fictional than the five o'clock news (which is almost pure fiction).

The whole idea that serial killers somehow think differently than “normal” people is as full of hype as the idea that there is such thing as a “normal” person. If you handed an FBI profiler a letter written by a catholic nun and told him it was written by someone who kills children he would point out several things about the letter that “indicate” the writer is a psychopath (this has been done in numerous studies with even more dramatic and alarming results than this simple example with nuns even hints at).

But people love to think that they are “good” and the only way they can do that is by separating themselves from people who are “bad”. And it does not matter if the thing that separates them is as superficial as skin color, or as arbitrary as sexual preference. The goal is always the same; to make ourselves feel superior to someone else.

Even though this concept has been studied and documented for hundreds of years, society in general remains as ignorant as Nazi Germany to the damage they are doing to real human beings, not to mention their own children.

When, oh when will we stop sacrificing our children to Baal?

(Originally written by Joseph E. Duncan III – May 21, 2010 – 4:20 am)

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