Friday, July 24, 2015

The John Walsh (Witch) Hunt

John Walsh is the quintessental modern day witch-hunter, filled with hatred for imaginary monsters that he tries to make real with words and then projects onto those human beings who have been marginalized by the same social prejudices that Walsh himself so actively propogates.

I'm not saying that the men who rape and murder are not real. All I'm saying is that the only reason they do what they do is precisely because they are human beings, who have been psychologically and socially cornered into behaving so extremely by the very fear and ignorance that men like John Walsh propgate in the name of their false gods (such as “Justice” and “Innocence”).

If John Walsh had any idea of the number of rapes and murders that he has helped cause by pushing “creeps” and “cowards” further and further away from any hope of acceptance (and thus behaving acceptably) instead of boasting so self-righteously of all the men's lives he has destroyed and the handful of children he claims to have “saved” (i.e. children he “rescued” mostly from genuinely loving parents who lost custody for reasons they had no control over), then he'd probably throw himself from a bridge, like the inspector in Les Misérables. I can hardly think of anyone more responsible for even my crimes (I) than John Walsh himself. It was his show “America's Most Wanted” that goaded me more than anything else into lashing out for my own “Justice”. I was the “gun”, and John Walsh was the “finger on the trigger”!

[J.D. July 10, 2015]

(I) I don't blame Mr. Walsh for what I have done any more than I would blame my finger for what it does. Blaming him, or anyone (even myself) makes no sense to me as I have tried to explain elsewhere in the Fifth Nail-blogs. When I say that John Walsh is “responsible for my crimes”, I only mean that he, more than most, has the ability to help end the cycle of violence. Not because of the fame and fortune that his own son's death has brought him, but because of the pain and guilt that he has buried inside, beneath all that fame and fortune. As I have often said, it is forgiveness that heals. And the more we are able to forgive, the more healing --- in ourselves and in the world at large --- there is that can take place.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Principle of Forgiveness

Christian forgiveness requires some «sin» to be forgiven. But, in order for there to be sin, there must be judgement. Since there cannot be sin without judgement, Christian forgiveness implies judgement.

What is judgement though, but the opposite of forgiveness? Hence Christian forgiveness is a contradiction in itself; a hypocritical concept.

True forgiveness is precisely and simply the very absence of judgement. Judgement is merely an evaluation, or opinion, that is authoritative. And by «authoritative» I mean it has universal merit.

There can only be One True Authority. There can only be One True Judge. Only a being with infinite knowledge and understanding (a.k.a. Love) can have the Authority necessary to judge, or have an authoritative opinion about, anything!

That would be «God», of course; or «Universal Will» as I sometimes like to call it. But, no matter what you call It, It is the only Judge that has True Authority to judge anyone, or anything.

And even though «God» is the only Being with the Authority to Judge, «God» judges us not. We are Universally Forgiven! And that is the simple self-evident truth that every great religion has buried at its core.

People are the ones who bury this truth beneath religious dogma. They bury it because it threatens their desire for authority (i.e. power and control over other people) so they can judge, like God; and thus frequently in the name of God, or «godly idols», i.e. ideas that are infused with false authority, such as «justice» or «freedom».

So, True Forgiveness requires no worldly authority. It is «given» freely in the face of all man-made (and invariably false) authority. You don't need to «believe that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior», or confess that «there is no God but God» or «become One with the nothingness within». All you need to do is look past the superficial and hypocritical teachings of other people who claim to be «authorities», and find for yourself this self-confessing truth that every child knows (before they are taught to forget); that there is no sin but the sin we create by judging (i.e. claiming authority, or to know «right» from «wrong», or «good» from «bad», in any absolute sense).

«Judge not, lest ye be judged», is far more than a mere warning; it is a Universal Law, and the principle of forgiveness.

[J.D. June 26, 2015]

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Implications of Infinity

No matter how big or how long or how far you imagine infinity to be, it is always infinitely bigger, longer, and farther. In fact, it is impossible to imagine things about infinity, but we never imagine infinity as a whole. Because even though everything exists in infinity, infinity itself does not exist.

I'm not saying there is no such thing as infinity. Nor am I suggesting that infinity isn't real. It's the only thing that IS real, actually. Everything that has a beginning, has an end; and if it has an end then it already has (ended) and is therefor not real. All «things» have a beginning and an end, so they exist in time and space. But, time and space itself has no beginning and hence no end. So, time and space, a.k.a. Infinity, does not exist; but it IS real!

To be sure, yes, I am saying that, that that is, is not; and that that is not, is. That is the implication of infinity, and it is a self-evident truth; though I admit, it takes an extremely open and receptive mind's eye to see it.

And the implication implies even more. If nothing that exists in time and space is real, and only time and space itself IS real, then anything and everything that is possible --- even the most high improbably --- DOES EXIST! It must only have a means to begin, which is to say that it must be possible, and that is all.

This means (i.e. further implies) that everything that exists, also exists infinitely. And if it exists infinitely then it is, of course, real after all!

How can this be? It sounds like a contradiction, but it's not. The contradiction only appears as an artifact of finite language. If you read these words with an open mind, and contemplate them, as one would contemplate the sound of one hand clapping, then the contradiction will eventually dissolve and only the Implication of Infinity will remain, after the words themselves surrender their meaning to you (i.e. become meaningless).

I'm implying, of course, the path to enlightenment. But, I am also stating an artifact o that path (a way of knowing that you are on the right path; the path of reality and truth, a.k.a. «the Way»). The artifact is this: if it exists, it is infinite; and if it is infinite, then it is real; and if it is real, it has no beginning and no end.

All suffering is infinite; this is «hell». And all pleasure is forever; this is «Nirvana» a.k.a. «Heaven».

[J.D. June 26, 2015]