Sunday, May 29, 2011

God's Advantage

God gave Himself all the advantage He would ever need when He invented Time.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Place For Me In The World

If I were to be miraculously exonerated of all crimes and set free to do my own will once more, I would like to go to Africa, as an AIDS worker. I realize that this will never happen. We are still a long way off from anything resembling constructive justice (our current system being almost exclusively destructive in nature). But some day, men like me will have a positive and constructive place in this world. I'm just saying that I think mine would be in a part of the world were ignorance is rampant and feral. I'm certain that my deviant sexual tendencies would naturally atrophy in such a place. I would feel valued and significant. And I would be kept busy working my ass off, so I'd never have time to day dream (i.e. fantasize). Any time that I did get would be too precious to squander on mere sexual fantasies. I'd use it to either meditate or contemplate ways to help the people I worked with.

Methinks I'd be happy there.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Yellow Brick Road

A person who focusses their attention on the only thing in our experience that it is possible for us to know to be real soon begins to realize that all experience is a manifestation of that one thing.

What is the one thing? It is that we exist. Or as Descartes has exclaimed, “Cogito ergo sum”. I think, therefore I am. Descartes called this the first principle of pure philosophy. It is the starting point of the path to truth. The beginning of the Yellow Brick Road. But we must first kill the Wicked Witch of the East (our ego?) and claim her Ruby Slippers (consciousness?) as our own before we can begin that journey.

And of course, we all know where we will end up; right back where we started; Home!